PropPics page5

Page 5.

Piece De Resistance.

'Epoxy Nightmare'

From my first routine in the Altar Flame,a mummy from another time and place.

A view from above. Note three fingers and toes. Claws made from the putty.

Klingon like bone ridges and horns are again made from the putty. The right arm is made to move by means of a music box motor which winds a flat sewing machine bobbin. This takes up the slack in a piece of invisible thread and draws the arm to the position shown. The music box works is embedded in the bier. The body is basically a plastic skeleton modified with the putty and covered in glue soaked tissue paper, then aged to look like dried skin. For storage I found a great art deco candy box from the 1930's at a local flea market, it made a wonderful casket. Imagination and epoxy putty can do strange things.

In The Craft,
Ed Solomon.

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