

It is sad day today as I have just found out that one of the biggest influences in my life is no more.

I first met Charlie Cameron when I was 16 (I am now 39!) and I had asked if I could get a copy of the background tape that was played in the chamber of horrors in the wax museum. I went up to collect it and he came out to greet me and also gave me one of his cool calling cards which he signed and told me it was my get into the wax museum free card!

From its opening to its closing I loved the museum, I think after about 10 years of writing to Charlie asking for a job I got a call one day from Cathy his secretary asking if I could go up for an interview. The interview consisted of Charlie giving me a fag and saying right when can you start? I could go on forever about the guy, he was just the coolest guy in the world.

He taught me about pyrotechnics, he gave me two coffins which I used and in fact still use with my band!!!! Like I say I could go on forever about the guy, he had the biggest heart in the world. When the museum closed my girlfriend made a cake with Edinburgh Wax Museum R.I.P on it and I saw tears in his eyes. At the last night party I found him with a bottle of grouse in his arms at the Robert The Bruce set, It's the end of an era' he said, that brought a tear to MY eye. It was the happiest period in my life working at the wax museum and everybody who worked there were just brilliant, I still walk past it everyday, I like to think that in an alternative universe Charlie Cameron is still the curator of the Edinburgh Wax Museum.

Mikie Jacobs.

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