
Page 10.

* indicates that the website/link is no longer available

            August 17th. 2001.
""Congratulations! Your website has won you our GOLD award! We found that your site had very good content and was easy to navigate. Design and layout were both excellent! Your hard work has earned you this award."


              August 30th. 2001. *
"Thank you for submitting your site. I have reviewed it and am pleased to mail you the Castle Roogna Excellent Site Award which you have won."

2002 Awards.

           February 13th. 2002. *
"Congratulations, you have won Medusa's Gold Award. You have a really informative and nice site, I like it allot. Keep up the wonderful work :O)." Best wishes, Medusa, Webmaster from Mac'N'Stuff



May 5th. 2002. *
"Hi Karl. I would be honoured if you would accept my Silver Award for your site. regards ..Christina of Cherry Tree Web Design."

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