* Indicates the website no longer exists

Dragonskull Magick displays these awards with pride and also wish to thank the many friends and associates who helped on the learning curve to produce this site. Each award has the official winners email sent to us on file. 

Unfortunately, almost all of the sites which gave these awards no longer exist for various reasons and so the link has been removed but we still value and display them with pride.



June 1st. 2001.*
" Congratulations! I am very proud to present the famous 'Orchid Award for Page Excellence' award to you, in recognition of your hard work in the creation of such an excellent page. I think you have done an outstanding job on your site"!


           June 7th. 2001.*
"Congratulations! You have won the '2001 Humming Good Page' award in recognition of all your hard work in creating your page."


           June 16th. 2001.*
"I am pleased to present you with my Silver Award. I found your website to be very well done, neat, easily navigated and tastefully decorated. Congratulations".



June 17th.2001.
"I've now reviewed your site and would be proud to have my awards on your site. You've done a wonderful job and that's not easy , creating a great website for others to visit, so you should be proud of what you have accomplished. Your site is honestly really great and I love the colours and layout. I have decided to give you two awards for all your hard work. The first is my Golden Globe 4 Star Award. The second one is The Golden Diamond Site Award for Excellence."


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