The Art of Storytelling Magic by Brother Shadow. A wonderful book suggesting how you can make the effects you do, more entertaining.

This is not a book of effects, although several are included for examples. The main purpose of this book is to suggest how you can make the effects you do, or new ones you create, more interesting and entertaining to your audience. The goal is to make them leave your performance, not puzzling over how you did it, but instead leaving an indelible impression on their minds of you, your personality, and most important, your name.

"Storytelling is the oldest form of entertainment and still the strongest. This book will help you to integrate storytelling into your performance. I can give you hints, examples, reasons, and pitfalls to avoid, how to find stories, and how to use them in your performance, the rest is up to you. There is work to be done on your part, time to be spent, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

I have been doing storytelling magic for more years than I care to admit, it is almost a trademark of everything I do. I love it, but more importantly, so does my audience. 

This book is a labor of love. I feel very strongly about our art and anything I can do to help elevate it a notch or two higher is worthwhile. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it does work for me and it works for all the performers I truly admire.

I've priced it low to get it into the most hands. I know many will glance at it and it will wind up on a shelf never to be seen again, but for those who read it, put in the work and try it, the rewards will be great."

Brother Shadow.

Price Was : $20 plus postage


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