lecture25 marucci

The magus takes out a book of matches and a brass case for business cards and lays them on the table.

"The ancients believed in 'as above, so below' and 'as below, so above'. In other words, what was done here on earth could influence the stars and, if the stars could be read properly, they could influence what was done here on earth. Was it true? I don't know. But we can try a small test - a case in microcosm, if you will - to see if such a thing can happen."

The magus opens the brass case and takes out a business card, on the back of which is the picture of a hand. He lays it in front of a spectator and hands her the book of matches. He picks up the brass case and closes it.

"On this card is a picture of a hand - we might like to think of it as the hand of destiny."

The magus may than give a short (and keep it short!) story of palmistry, divination, or fortune telling, referring to the hand. Each digit is also named:  Thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and pinky.

The magus then says: "I want you to open the matchbook, tear off a match, light it, and blow it out. Then, while the head is still hot, use the ash to mark the tip of any one of the five fingers on the hand." The spectator does so.

The magus winces, stifles a brief cry of pain, and extends his hand, palm down. Slowly, he turns the hand palm up and, on the tip of the same finger marked on the card by the spectator's match, is a small blister. The power of the mind passes all understanding.

This is an oldie but a goodie, in bizarre dress.

The brass card case, which can be picked up at many stationery stores, has a small hole drilled in the back (about 1/8 of an inch).

When the magus picks up the case and closes it, he holds it with his fingers underneath, waiting for the spectator to decided which finger on the card will be touched with the match head.

When she decides, and touches the finger, the magus moves that same finger on his hand so the tip is over the hole in the bottom on the case. He then presses his fingertip onto the hole for a few seconds.

When he extends his hand and turns it palm up, what appears to be a small blister will be on the tip of the "selected" finger.

This will disappear in less than a minute (if it takes any longer, you are pressing too hard; if it doesn't last until you can show the spectator, you're not pressing hard enough. It's going to be a trial and error thing until you find what suits you).

Second thoughts:
This is almost a "throwaway" routine, to be used in the middle of a bizarre routine. It's not really strong enough to stand alone.

But it can be made into a powerful bit, depending on the acting ability of the performer.

So, unless you are prepared to truly "enter into the spirit" of this thing, then please leave it for others who will.

Peter Marucci.


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All the material in this lecture is copyrighted with all rights reserved to Peter Marucci, 2002.