Read about Lelana X at Dragonskull.

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Lelana X,
a.k.a. Lelana Comstocke.

"I'm a 20-year-old (in 2002) college student, or co-ed if it suits your fancy better, living in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA and working towards a degree in Modern Dance or maybe theater, I'm not quite sure.  Anyway, I like to perform before an audience the most.  I love the applaud.  However, doing video and modeling is also fun.  Hey, I like to ham it up, what can I say?

I had the fortunate opportunity to act as glorified babysitter and part time servant to two very bizarre clients who had a profound influence on me.  Having access to their extensive Magic and Occult library as well as their expertise enabled me to learn the ropes rather quickly.  I was being groomed to be a stage magic assistant, but those plans have been (hopefully) only temporarily put on hold.  My current academic workload prohibits more magical involvement.

Anyway, in addition to Bizarre Magick, mentalism, and the Occult, I absolutely LOVE horror movies and books, murder mysteries, ghost stories, the paranormal, doing and playing tricks, the whole nine yards if you will.  Forgive me for being cliche' and predictable but I totally LOVE cemeteries.  They are my favorite places.  Old, rustic, somewhat tattered, weathered, secluded cemeteries.  Especially at dusk. Very conducive for contemplation and relaxation.

Changing the subject, I had forgotten to mention my interest in Law and Politics.  Even though it takes away some of the mystique of my goth girl image, I must include it.  I also LOVE amusement parks and carnivals, especially roller coasters, and most recently sideshows and geek magic.  More LOVES; burlesque and erotic dance of all kinds, clubbing, parties, getting into mischief, frolicking, some sports, cheerleading, and fun in general.  Needless to say, Halloween is my favorite holiday.  So anyway, hope to run into some of you out there in Bizarreland but for now, a portal to my world has been opened".

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