dd book
The Double Deceptions of
They were lifelong friends and Charles was working with Bill Thompson and Karl Bartoni on the original manuscript with a view to it being included in a special edition of The Cauldron (Charles pamphlet publication of the sixties, the special edition being a collection of all these in one volume) as the thought of possible publication was helping to boost the morale of the then very ill Harry. During this work, Charles died and it was not long after that when Harry also died. As the special edition Cauldron is still some way off, it would be more appropriate to now publish this material (and the history of these great guy's) separately. The book also contains photographs of Harry and Charles as young men, and when they met up for the last time. All profits from this comb bound volume will go towards the cost of the Memorial Plaque being erected as a tribute to Charles W. Cameron in Edinburgh. This is a limited edition of only 75 numbered copies but there are only 15 copies left. People who order a copy, will have their name printed on the 'fly' sheet and Alex Wallace ( Charles' partner in his later years) will sign it. PRICE.....£18.50 plus postage. To order your personalized copy, CLICK HERE. Comments just coming in...... Joseph G. Herzer (U.S.A.)."Hi the book got here and what a great book. I'm glad I got a copy and I will treasure the book for years to come." Jim Klodzen (U.S.A.). "I received my book this weekend!...excellent!! Peter
Arcane (Scotland). "I discovered
Charles W Cameron too late. Too late in the fact that I only met him
twice maybe three times... And out of those I only talked to him once!!
So when I read 'Mind Your Magic', I cursed myself for not speaking up.
There and then I made a pact to never do that again. I also made myself
a deal to read everything I could by Charles and the many others who
were well versed and published from the Edinburgh Magic Circle. But it
was and still is Charles that makes me laugh. You see his thinking and
methods are just so cheeky.... But lets not forget the quiet one Harry
Burnside. You see just like in any good double act, its the quiet one
who can be even sneakier than that other one!! |