Dragonskull Magic presents a selection of  Arts and Crafts lectures for performers of bizarre and storytelling magic. 

Here you will find D.I.Y lectures requiring varying skills but none too difficult. The contributors are all leaders in the world of Bizarre and Storytelling magic, who hope that you discover the pleasure of creating your own unique and 'one off' props or accoutrements. The first four 'lessons' were originally on the 'Lectures' area.

[1]. Create fine props using Epoxy Putty by Ed Solomon.
This lecture now contains a lot more photo illustrations.

[2]. Aging your Props by Brother Shadow.

[3]. How to Age Tarot and Playing Cards by Mary Tomich.

[4]. A "Do It Yourself" Light Device by Ed Solomon.
An easy to make device fully explained and illustrated.

[5]. Lesson #1, "In The Eye Of The Beholder" by Ed Solomon.

[6]. Lesson #2, "Magical Adventures & Fairy Tales" by Ed Solomon.

[7]. Lesson #3, "Four Wishes" by Ed Solomon.

[8]. Lesson #4, Storage Units and Boxes by Ed Solomon. After reading this you should continue by reading Item 14 (Lesson #10). 

[9]. Lesson #5, The Self Opening Box, by Ed Solomon.

[10]. Lesson #6, 'Ambiance', by Ed Solomon.

[11]. Lesson #7, Yes...Even a Card trick, by Ed Solomon.

[12]. Lesson #8, 'The Scroll Of Denomolos', by Ed Solomon.

[13]. Lesson #9, An Alternative To A 'Servant', by Ed Solomon.

[14]. Lesson #10, Books and Boxes, by Ed Solomon.

[15]. Lesson #11, Self Opening Book , by Ed Solomon. This also shows how to make a locked book and there are a few examples of his work in covering books.


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